Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 8

Yesterday I celebrated my first full week eating paleo and I really considered it a graduation into a new lifestyle. I'm training myself to look at food differently, and because of that am enjoying it more. I think because I've converted from a moderately healthy lifestyle Im not seeing a rush of changes, but I feel smart and accomplished with the decisions Ive been making, and even the creativity that i have found in the kitchen.

In my first week I learned the pains of having little to no protein in the fridge. Grocery shopping is definitely not something I can put off in the future. There are almost no late-night paleo snack options that I have had the pleasure of encountering (unless self-made), and an empty fridge leads to an empty belly.

I enjoy the flexibility of meals when you know youre eating the right things. For the past decade weve been told not to eat anything in the 3 hours before we go to bed, or have 6 small meals a day, or follow some body-specific equation for your lifestyles necessary caloric intake- and ive thrown it all to the wind to just eat when im hungry! if its protein-rich, preservative-free, and i know where its from- im eatin it whenever i want.

Going out to eat has always been a big part of my lifestyle, being a server has programmed me with both a desire to learn and taste more- and to selfishly be served -so this is something that im definitely struggling with currently. i havent had an "easy" restaurant experience yet, but i know there are plenty of health-conscious establishments that exist in this great city, and im set on finding them.

Lastly, I feel great in the gym. Im concentrating on dynamic strength exercises, instead of mundane isolation circuits. Squats into push presses, box jumps, overhead presses, kettlebell snatches, planks on a stability ball, dips, sprints, and ball slams- I feel powerful. I am so excited to become my healthiest me.

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