Monday, September 17, 2012


well here i am almost a year later, wiping the virtual dust off of my first paleo blog. swept up by the excitement of a lifestyle change, id fully committed to detailing every last bit of my food journey- complete with before and after pictures, measurements, and even chronicled energy levels but with much else in my life the gung-ho ambition slowly faded away...but im BACK! i am so back that i spent an unspeakable amount of time browsing gluten-free face creams and rejuvenating oils because now that im going to start eating purely paleo again, im also going to start a new skin care regiment, and buy all natural shampoo...and floss. (theres the ambition talking again)

i havent fallen totally off the wagon. i just go out to eat more often than i should. i drink more than once a week, and within the last 2-3 months or so i even started eating rice and pasta. thats been an all-time low for within the past year so im ready to pretend $20 will be all it takes to hold me super accountable for the decisions ill be making over the next 30 days.


-ah, the ever present 'leaning out' goal. i want to look as close to camille leblanc-bazinet as possible. or lindsey valenzuela, or heck, any of these girls because theyre ripped and they look like theyre having fun. in an effort to mask my superficial-aesthetic ambition, ill just sink into the masses of lean out land. but no, in all honesty, i know that there is more fat on my body than there needs to be, and i hope that by tailoring that my gymnatics and body weight movements will become easier. after all, i got my first bodyweight pull up after februarys bccc.

-by now it is no secret that our diet directly affects athletic performance. earlier this month, i think by pure scheduling overload, i had a 5-day streak of no drinking, no gluten, 8+hours of sleep every night (so on and so forth, these are not my only vices) and my metcon performance surprised me. i had a full WEEK of training that left me feeling accomplished and competent. id like to have that a constant.

i think progress during the BCCC is pretty subjective, so in order to quantify my results i have set these very specific goals:

current body weight: 146.4
i would like to drop below 138, not because its a number i care about but gauging from my last BCCC results, in which i lost 7lbs, i know what i am capable of. in other areas of the world, id like my waist measurement, currently 25.625, to decrease.

my current Fran time:  6:28
adhering to the goal of becoming more proficient with bodyweight movements, i think measuring my time with a pull-up heavy metcon would be a good measure. i would like my time to improve PERIOD, because i have no realistic scale of what can be done to Fran in a month. im going to go ahead and say sub-6 though.

my current Jeremy (21-15-9 65#ohs/burpees) time:  4:45
i think Jeremy will be a good way to measure my wind/stamina. although this time was during that holy 5-day streak in which i kicked ass.

that is all.

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